vineri, 3 decembrie 2010

bracing myself for the reverse culture shock

so...I have just one exam to go...not nervous at all...
Had an oral exam and a theatrical performance, which turned out to be one of the most amazing things I did...ever. little dots that I keep annoying you with are the non-verbal expressions of my deep meaningful thoughts that you won't get because you won't "get me" when I come home :P well some might, and some might be like "shut up" or "watevs" or "where's my gift?"

all in all can't wait to see you guys and I promise I won't be over-talkativy and braggy.

just found out about reverse cultural shock, I knew I was going to face it, I just didn't know it had a name -dots dots dots-
now that I think of shock will be greater than the one people from Germany, France or US will's Romania after all...

you should be supportive of my "disease" when I return! :P

So..what else

-14 C, walk half an hour to the univ to study almost every day.
goodbye parties, sad times
wonderful scenary, untouched snow, frozen lakes and boats in the docs
amazing sunsets
sweet people I am sad I didn't get to know better
the thought of you
the thought of me
having rice and milk with ccinnamon and raisins...the thought of home

I am going somewhere and not just going back home...16 days to go

2 comentarii:

  1. punctele alea le vom umple noi. Eu si Nico te asteptam cu drag acasa si te vom sustine sa te intorci acolo si we will get you si we will ask for our presents. I want my rock!!! :* :))

  2. aaaaah! Multumesc! va imbratisez cu foc Elsu si Nico, oameni frumosi si dragi!
